Lodge Knightswood Glasgow No 1445Lodge history Continued
At the Regular Meeting on February the 19th 1954 stalls for the Master and Wardens were presented to the Lodge. This meeting being the Annual Visitation, the Stalls and Chains of Office were Dedicated by Brother Reverend Gordon M Ewan, Provincial Grand Chaplin. At the Annual Installation on December the 2nd 1955 refrence was made to the fact that this was the first occasion on which two Past masters of the Lodge had confered the Installation Ceremoney. On December the 1st 1969 ,the first Initate into the Lodge was installed as Master , the pereveious 12 Masters being founder Members. Once more the lodge was to move, meeting for the last time in Cloberhill School on June the 1st 1962, The Summer recess saw great activity, for the next Regular meeting was held in the newly acquried hall in Priory Road on August the 17th 1962. On October the 13th 1962 our new hall, reconstructed and redecorated substantially by voluntry effort, was rededicated by Brother Ernest Noaks, Provincial Grand Master, assisted by Brother Reverened Henry J French and other Office Beaerers of Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow. The Lodge continued to prosper and a high standard of Ceremonial work maintained. The Social functions held under the auspices of the Lodge were many and varied and numerous fund-raising schemes to meet our ever rising costs of maintenance, repairs and improvments were inaugurated. On December the 15th 1972 the Lodge was honoured by a visit to our premises of the Grand Master Mason of Scotland Brother David Liddel-Granger of Ayton. 1974 was the 25th Anniversary of the Founding of the Lodge . The Years between had been by no means uneventful, but that Year was one of great acticity. On November the 16th 1974, the Lodge met in the Masonic Hall Priory Road and in the presence of a large number of Lodge members and Deputations from many Sister Lodges, the Master welcomed Depute Provincial Grand Master of Glasgow, Brother Brian G Brown and a distinguished Deputation of Provincial Grand Lodge Office Bearers, including Brother Reverand John M Stewart Provincial Grand Chaplin. The rededication ceremony was conducted in the most impressive manner and in accordance with the ancient customs and usages of Freemasonry. 1979 the RWM Bro John Williamson started the commencment of regular indoor sports nights, which brought friendly competion and a great deal of enjoyment to all. In 1983 the kitchen facilities were upgraded and the bar was compleatly rebulit at some considerable cost due to the grant arranged by Bro. John Williamson and Tennants Brewers and with a great deal of Voluntary Labour. Over the Years many wonderful relationships with Lodges outwith the Province of Glasgow were established, and those surviving the ravages of time being the Lodges St James Newton-upon Ayr No.125, Buchannan St. Johns Broxburn No. 636, and Lodge Ballie Nichol Jarvie, Aberfoyle No. 1036. In 1988 a most exciting visit to Lodge St. Machar No. 54, Aberdeen and in 1989 a journey to Nairn added to our list of wonderful Masonic Friendships, which we hope will continue to flourish and spread brotherly love throughout the land. 1989-90 we celebrated our 40th year with many special functions, climaxed by the honour of having our own Past Master Brother Henry Jeffery being elected and installed as Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of Glasgow . The founders set out in faith and hope and may those who follow ever act in a manner benefiting the dignity of the craft and continue the building of a wise, a strong and harmonious Lodge. Compiled by Brother John G Williamsom Past Master Assisted by Brothers Peter Seaton Past Master (Deceased) & Alex Simpson Past Master Ask about our Print Copy of a Fuller History |
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