Lodge Knightswood Glasgow 1445Where it all BeganA Meeting of Brethren interested in the founding of a new lodge in the Knightswood district of Glasgow was held in Bankhead School, Caldwell Avenue on October the 29th 1948, and at a subsequent meeting on February the 18th 1949 the decision was made to proceed with a petition to the Grand Lodge of Scotland to grant a charter in favour of Lodge Knightswood Glasgow. The sponsor Lodges being Lodge Saint Johns Whiteinch No. 683 and Lodge Kelvin Partick No. 1207. There were 77 Brethren on the Roll of founders of these 76 were members of Lodges under the Scottish Constitution (representing 42 Lodges and 8 Provinces). One Brother was a member of a Lodge under the Irish Constitution . A Charter in Favour of Lodge Knightswood Glasgow Number 1445, dated November the 3rd 1949 was duly granted . The Consecration and Erection of the Lodge took place at a special meeting of The Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow, held in Whiteinch (large) Public Hall, on December the 9th 1949 by the Provincial Grand Master Brother Donald McKay, assisted by Provincial Grand Office Beaers . The Provincial Grand Master opened Lodge Knightswood and installed Brother John Howe Brownlie as Master of the Lodge. The Wardens and other Office bearers were installed and invested by Depute Provincial Grand Master Brother Anderson McMillan . The first five applicants were initated on February the 3rd 1950 and during the first year the EA Degree was conferred on six occasions, the FC Degree on four occasions and the MM Degree on four occasions and a Mark Ceremony was held once. The Lodge of Instruction met for the first time on January the 12th 1951 and continues to meet once every month. The first chain of Office to be worn by the Master was presented on November the 25th 1952. A seconed chain of Office was presented on April the 17th 1953. This chain (in Solid Gold) is now worn by the Master and the first one(in Solid Silver) is worn by the IPM . The Lodge moved to Cloberhill School on August the 21st 1952, having met for the last time in Whiteinch Hall on June the 23rd 1953. The Installations however, continued to be held in the Whiteinch (Large) Public Halls until 1961.
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